Monday, March 29, 2010

Spa Battle Royale

This morning we flew from Queenstown in the south island to Rotarua in the north island. There isn't a lot going on in Rotarua. It is known for its hot springs and being the home of the native people of New Zealand, the Maori. As soon as we landed, we got to go to a hot spring spa - supposedly the best one in the area!!! Dad wasn't too happy about it, since he agreed to it last night after a wine tasting, but I was pumped! So we pulled up to a spa called Hell's Gate. It looked like the entrance to a bar that would have been in the movie Roadhouse or something. A tad sketchy. So we went in and got our robes and they showed us to our massage rooms. You know how great the massage rooms are at the spas in America? All dark with a fluffy massage table, and candles and music? Yeah, not so much in New Zealand. It was a fluorescent lit room with thin plywood walls, and in the middle was a fold out massage table with towels on it. Score 1 Spa America.

But the massage itself was great. Much needed after lugging around a heavy backpack and a 50 pound suitcase for 3 weeks. And I didn't mind the way the room looked since my eyes were closed anyway. And being from a very large, very loud family, I could easily tune out all the stuff happening on the other side of the paper thin walls. Plus, after my massage I got to go hang out in the hot springs. And all of this was just $75 New Zealand, which is about $50 US. Not a bad deal if you ask me. Back home that package would be well over $100 plus tip. Being that my current job/ financial situation is less than ideal, I am sucker for a bargain. Score 1 Spa New Zealand.

So after the massage, I was excited about soaking in the hot springs. I got my bathing suit on and headed out. Before I got to the water, I noticed the smell. Oh hell no!! It was a hot sulphur spring! I got in it anyway, knowing I was going to have to wash my suit about 20 times to get the smell out. It felt really good though, and you got used to the smell. Still being interested in nothing but the massage and the overall cost, I declared victory to Spa New Zealand.

After the spa, we all met up in the hotel bar for happy hour before heading out to see a Maori cultural show. At the bar I ordered a beer and the bartender asked me if I had any ID. Say whaaat? I asked her, "How old do you have to be to drink in New Zealand?" She replied "18."Aaaahh yeeeaah, I am looking young today! I haven't been carded in the US in forever, and this was the first time on this trip I have been asked for ID. I was pumped!

So we headed out to the Maori cultural show, which was pretty much a second rate luau. But with less scenery, less sunny weather, and less booze at the bar. So it was kind of lame. The best part of the evening didn't come until I was in the line for the bathroom with a bunch of New Zealand girls who were probably in their early 20's. They liked my accent so they asked me where I was from. I told them, and they said "Oh that is great! Are you here on spring break?" Again, say whaaat? I haven't had a spring break in.... "Yes!! I am on spring break! I'm having a great time." Why not just go with it, you know? So then I started thinking, I haven't been mistaken for somebody that young since I WAS that young. I think that damn sulphur worked! It must be like a fountain of youth or something! I overturned the victory of Spa America and named Spa New Zealand the undefeated champion of the world!

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